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Sunday 11 October 2015

Rights of Wife in Islam


Rights of Wife in Islam

Rights of Wife in Islam
In this article we are going to share Rights of Wife in Islam ALLAH made some rights of men which are necessary to pay for women, same as God made some rights of women and it is obligation for men to pay these rights. 

It is necessary for every husband to take good care of his wife and pay rights of wife. Every husband should provide all necessities of life to his wife according to his financial condition. When  a woman comes in  man's life as wife after Nikkah.So it is necessary to pay all rights of his wife.

Rights of women includes a lot of other things like wife should not be beaten or teased without any mistake, while she should be cared by her husband.Husband can beat his wife if  she takes a big mistake , but remember it should be just for improvement and should not be beaten badly.

According to Islamic teachings a husband can punish his wife for these four reasons.

1. If husband orders his wife to make cleanliness and wife ignores.
2. Husband asks his wife to come on bed while wife rejects without any particular  reason.
3. When wife does not take bath after menses.
4. Women does not pray her prayers.

For a better life it is necessary for women to have a good understanding with husband at the same time it is obligation of husband to take good care of the emotions of wife.

Husband should not admire the beauty of any other woman before his wife.Man should criticise his wife constructively and never show anger while he should be loving and caring and should live happily. Husband should trust his wife and should share all domestic problems with her.

In this way she will feel respect and get self-confidence.Every issue will be solved with full of her  interest and struggle. Husband should be in a good mood and should wear neat and clean clothes. If any gap comes between husband and wife both should solve all issues together before any issue results in permanent separation

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Islam is the religion of love, peace and prosperity. According to the Islamic Teachings all the Muslims are equal in Islam regardless of their caste, creed, color and country. The religion Islam teaches us about every field of life. Islam leads us how to live a better life style and how to deal with every single problem or restriction in life. Whenever, we face any restriction or trouble we can get help from Holy Quran. The teachings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are available to adopt a better life style and to gain all the blessings of the world. The hadith and Sunnah are key to success . Be happy and make other happier. Don’t hurt anybody else and live a life of peace and calm. Remember, Islam gives the lesson of love and peace.


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