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Sunday 20 September 2015

Rights of Parents in islam


Rights of Parents in islam

Rights of Parents in islam
It is Necessary for every man and woman to give rights of Parents. Rights of Parents in islam are included in basic rights to be given. 

a few rights are given below.

* be warned never tease your Parents by any of your single act or talk
* Respects your Parents by your Act and Talk.

* Take Care of their Respect All the times.
* if Parents Need anything Serve them at first Preference.

* if Parents Talk something from your language never mind it and dont show anger.

* While you Should Consider that your everything is infact your parents.

* if Parents are died then it is Rights of Parents in islam then Children Should Pray for their late Parents and should give Charity for them in the path of ALLAH.

* Show good Behaviour before the friends of your Parents.
* Be Humble Loving and Carefull about your Parents.

* Act upon All Advices and orders given by your Parents.
* Don't do anything else what your Parents don't like.

* Afford All Expenses of your Parents when they reach old age and Provide them all Facilities as they Provided you in Childhood.

- Unfortunately nowadays boys and Girls are not conscious of Parents Rights. 

They don't take any interest to Respect and care the Parents, a few of them are so Unlucky that they tease and disturb their Parents by their bad acts and talks.

- Remember such kind of bad attitude for Parents Results in tension, worries and Sorrows.
Remember you will face the same Attitude of your Children as you before your parents.

and Remember one thing more obidient of Parents find all Blessings, hapinesses and Success in life related to every field.

These Words are Refered to Holy Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H which can never be wrong. do everything what your Parents want and avoid all habits what Parents don't like.

Shape up your Whole life Style According to wishes and thoughts of your Parents. Act upon all orders and wishes of your parents it is key to Success in Life

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Islam is the religion of love, peace and prosperity. According to the Islamic Teachings all the Muslims are equal in Islam regardless of their caste, creed, color and country. The religion Islam teaches us about every field of life. Islam leads us how to live a better life style and how to deal with every single problem or restriction in life. Whenever, we face any restriction or trouble we can get help from Holy Quran. The teachings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are available to adopt a better life style and to gain all the blessings of the world. The hadith and Sunnah are key to success . Be happy and make other happier. Don’t hurt anybody else and live a life of peace and calm. Remember, Islam gives the lesson of love and peace.


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