A Blog About islamic Teachings And All About islam

Thursday 28 January 2016

Health Benefits Of Garlic


Health Benefits Of Garlic

Health Benefits Of Garlic

Health is a great wealth and we should take good care of our health. A healthy life is necessary to enjoy the real taste and beauty of nature.To protect the health today we share the Health Benefits Of Garlic which are stated below.Be conscious and careful about your health.

1. Garlic protect from anti oxidative stress.
2. Garlic is a great source of vitamin  C ,B6,selenium and maganese.
3. Garlic support healthy blood pressure.
4. Garlic is effective against yeastinfection and clotting disorder.
5. Garlic is rich in power sulfer-containing compounds including thiosulfinates.
6. Garlic is lower blood triglycocerides and total cholesterol.
7. Garlic is anti inflammatory.
8. Gralic helps to lower blood sugar.
9. Garlic is a reliable source of selenium may help to regulate the number of fat cells that get formed i the body called the striking rose.

Share this information to your facebook friends and keep them healthier.Be healthy and take good care of your health.Take good care of your health. Islam is the religion of love, peace and prosperity. According to the Islamic Teachings all the Muslims are equal in Islam regardless of their caste, creed, color and country. The religion Islam teaches us about every field of life. Islam leads us how to live a better life style and how to deal with every single problem or restriction in life. Whenever, we face any restriction or trouble we can get help from Holy Quran. The teachings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are available to adopt a better life style and to gain all the blessings of the world. The hadith and Sunnah are key to success . Be happy and make other happier. Don’t hurt anybody else and live a life of peace and calm. Remember, Islam gives the lesson of love and peace.


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