A Blog About islamic Teachings And All About islam

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Islamic Teachings About Abortion


Islamic Teachings About Abortion

Islamic Teachings About Abortion
Islam teaches us about every matter of life . A few Islamic Teachings About Abortion are as follows.A notable verse from the Holy Quran read. ''Don't kill your children for fear of poverty; we shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verify the killing of them is a great sin''.

For a woman carrying an illegitimate  child from extra marital sex or rape, the consensus is that she should give birth however, if the scar of rape is too heavy, then then the decision is hers.

However, all school of Muslim law accept that abortion is permitted only if continuing the pregnancy would put the mother's life in real danger.
Islam is the religion of love, peace and prosperity. According to the Islamic Teachings all the Muslims are equal in Islam regardless of their caste, creed, color and country. The religion Islam teaches us about every field of life. Islam leads us how to live a better life style and how to deal with every single problem or restriction in life. Whenever, we face any restriction or trouble we can get help from Holy Quran. The teachings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are available to adopt a better life style and to gain all the blessings of the world. The hadith and Sunnah are key to success . Be happy and make other happier. Don’t hurt anybody else and live a life of peace and calm. Remember, Islam gives the lesson of love and peace.


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